Dr. Godfrey Timbihurira

Godfrey is a Medical Doctor and Public Health specialist by training currently working with METS as Program Officer-Ministry of Health Liaison. Before joining METS, he worked with Kibaale District Local Government as a medical doctor and assistant District Director of Health Services from 1998. For over 15 years Godfrey has worked with various organizations and agencies. His professional interest lies in the areas of public health systems strengthening and prevention with particular focus on in-service training and mentorship of health workers, policy development, health systems planning, monitoring and evaluation in the areas of HIV/AIDS, Communicable Diseases, Reproductive Health, Malaria and Child Health.

His other aptitude lies in applying multi-disciplinary epidemiological approaches, public health research design and, data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and Epidata. The pillars of his success have been his ability to communicate effectively, team work, flexibility towards different working conditions and ability to learn from past experiences. Godfrey holds a MBchB, MPH, and a Certificate in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery.