METS organized a five-day training (20-24 August 2018) on the PrEP Tracker with the main aim of improving the quality of data submitted through the tracker across the CDC PrEP implementing health facilities.
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is when people at very high risk for HIV take medication daily to lower their chances of getting infected. PrEP can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout one’s body. It is highly effective for preventing HIV if used as prescribed, but it is much less effective when not taken consistently.
METS developed a PrEP tracker for real time program performance monitoring. The tracker monitors clients from the point of eligibility assessment, to when the clients are initiated on PrEP up until their follow up visits.
The main objectives of the training wereto train users on data entry into the tracker across all stages and to train users on data analysis and report generation through use of event reports and event visualizer. Furthermore,the training was intended to present the PREP dashboard to the users, so they can refer to it to monitor their progress in the different facilities as well as monitor other facility performance. The training attracted 46 participants from selected Implementing Partners (IPs) including cluster M&E/data managers and officers as well as Prevention Officers, PrEP focal persons, Health facility In-Charges, facility data clerks and selected Ministry of Health (MoH) prevention team members. Participating IPs included IDI/MARPI, RHSP, Mildmay and Baylor Uganda.

Dr. Kadama from MoH making the opening remarks at the training
The training included PrEP program overview by MoH PrEP National Coordinator, review of the PrEP tools, PrEP Tracking system overview, user account creation and verification, data entry into the tracker across all stages, report generation, interactive events listing and dashboard creation using events visualizer. At the end of the training the participants, with guidance from the trainers, developed work plans on how they were going to enter backlog data and offer support to facilities.
The participants will now be able to use the PrEP tracker users form, capture data and generate reports using the tracker. It is hoped that this pool of trained National, IP and health facility staff will cascade the training to the other staff back at their respective facilities.